Co-founder Ethereum Vitalik Buterin said a few words about the importance of the connection between technology and culture.
It all started as a member of the LambdaClass community, which focuses on infrastructure Ethereum and zero-knowledge proofs, stressed the compliance Ethereum technologies and social goals.
If your technology is awesome at time T, but your culture sucks, your technology will suck at time T+k… — Buterin noted.
In doing so, Buterin highlighted how weak governance or cultural misalignment can threaten even the most innovative ecosystems.
Some members of the crypto community believe that despite its technological advancement, Ethereum lags behind other networks that have stronger cultural cohesion. They believe that addressing governance issues and fostering cultural growth can be key to maintaining competitive advantage. Ethereum.
Critics argue that the future Ethereum depends on the optimization of the innovative technology of the crypto project with culture. They do not yet see ways to solve this problem in the activities Ethereum Foundation, nor in Vitalik Buterin’s speeches.